This Spotify bot scam keeps getting worse

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Today we’re going to talk about this Spotify bot scam that keeps getting worse.

Nearly every artist i’ve met has been affected by this in the past year, so theres a good chance you’ve been added to some of these bot playlists too.

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What is the scam

A playlist company will add 2,000 or so songs by different artists per day to their playlist, pumps bots to all the songs on it (maybe even some followers) hoping the artist will see the spike in streams and check it out.

Inside of Spotify for Artists you can see the playlists that are streaming your music. This makes it very easy for the artists to see which playlists caused the spike in streams.

The playlist has contact information or a website link on it, and they're hoping someone falls for it and hires them for more fake promo.

I tried contacting one of these playlisting companies pretending to be interested in more promotion, and was able to figure out that WAVR AI is one of the companies running a lot of these. You can check it out in my video here:

Many people have been assuming that these scam companies are using the DistroKid Wheel Of Playlists to find artists and new songs to target. However i’m not sure about this because I do know some people on TuneCore that have been added to these playlists as well.

Why is it getting worse?

I made that video 8 months ago, and this problem still exists today. Not only does it seem more common nowadays but now Spotify is being more stringent about taking action against artists that have more than 90% of streams coming from bots.

While i’m glad they’re taking this tiny action towards fighting bots, you can see the problem that arises from this: artists are getting sent bot streams against their will, and Spotify is banning songs and artists for something they didn’t initiate.

It’s absolute insanity and Spotify should be embarrassed about this. Yes the playlist owner gets their playlist deleted, but they can simply go and make 1,000 more fake accounts. There is nothing an indie artist can do to fight against these bot streams.

Have beef with another indie artist? Send a couple hundred thousand bot streams to their profile and Spotify will probably pull their music from the platform.

What can be done?

I have some ideas for how Spotify can fix this issue, and here they are:

  1. Make it impossible to put URL's or email addresses in the playlist descriptions

  2. Provide some option for artists to report the playlists and have their songs removed from the playlist

  3. Create better detection algorithms that punish the playlist creator and not the artists on the playlists

  4. Switch to a user centric payment model that makes bots non-viable

  5. Impose limits on the Spotify API that make it costly for bad actors to scale these types of bot attacks

Many people assume I have contacts at Spotify, but the reality is I don’t. I find it insane that this has been such a problem for so long and it makes me wonder if they just don’t consider it an important enough problem to fix.

If you want to help pressure Spotify to do something about this I have some ways that you can help.

I created a post on their ‘ideas’ page. Please go here and upvote my idea.

I have an email poll right below here, but you can also vote if you’ve experienced this on my YouTube community post here.

Who has been randomly added to a botted playlist on Spotify in the past year?

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Whenever you’re ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. My courses. Spotify Growth Machine teaches you how to use Facebook ads to promote your music on Spotify. YouTube Growth Machine teaches you how to grow a YouTube channel organically and how to use YouTube ads. Fan Growth Machine teaches you how to build a website, online store and grow your email list.

  2. My ad agency. Forbid Media specializes in running Facebook conversion ads to promote your music on Spotify.

  3. Website / Store / Funnels. MusicFunnels is the best all-in-one platform for music artists to make a website, online store, sales funnels and build their mailing list.

  4. 1-on-1 consulting. You can book 1-hour calls with myself or Alex Bochel here.

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